Stagecoach Trail

Yosemite Lakes Park is a private community. Our trails are only for use by residents and their guests.
• The main entrance to the trail is from the north end of Long Hollow Court North. A drive on a property line easement ends in a rough dirt road to just west of a YSPUC water tank. A small number of vehicles may park in an open area just northeast of the big oak tree, but a route must be kept clear at all times for YSPUC vehicles to access the gated area around the water tank. The area around the trail on the south side of Lilley Mountain was the old stagecoach road to Yosemite, commemorated by an E Clampus Vitus monument near the water tank. Just west of the tank are two large expanses of rock with the remains of old Indian grinding holes. A century-old palm tree stands just south of the water tank. To the east, the trail meanders uphill and can be quite steep at times but is a pleasant hike, especially in the spring.
• A second access point is from the extreme west end of the trail at Lilley Mountain Drive. A limited number of vehicles may park along the path paralleling Lilley Mountain Drive. Do not cross the fence or go off the path.
• A third access to the trail is at the cul-de-sac on Acorn Court. A limited number of vehicles may park just off the pavement but on the road right-of-way on the cul-de-sac. Stay on the path along the 10-foot right-of-way easement between properties to reach the main trail where you may hike east or west from there.
NOTE: There is NO access from Sequoia Court. The paved private drive is for use ONLY by the homeowner and designated emergency vehicles.