Keeping YLP fire-safe

Updated March 28, 2024

The Fire Safety Task Force would like to share the following requirements and fee schedule, approved by the YLOA Board of Directors on March 7, 2023, after the required 28-day public comment period. They have thus been incorporated into the Yosemite Lakes Park Declaration of Restrictions.

All lots, whether occupied or unoccupied, shall always be managed for fire prevention:

1. Vacant lots shall have a strip of land 30 feet wide from each property line and street frontage cleared of weeds (Madera County Code of Ordinance, Title 7 Health and Sanitation, Section 7.26.030) and dead woody debris throughout the fire season.

2. All lots with homes or other structures shall also have defensible space around each structure of 100 feet (or to the property line, whichever is closer), as per California Public Resources Code 4291 and Assembly Bill 3074. Also, street frontage must be cleared 30 feet from the curb’s edge.

Weed abatement and other appropriate hazard fuel reduction should be in place by June 1st of each year and be maintained throughout the year as needed for as long as the threat of fire persists.

Failure to comply with the above will result in:

1. Letter of non-compliance and steps for remedial action.

2. Notification to Madera County Public Code Enforcement and State of California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

3. Notice of intent to fine: a. $250.00 initial fine if not remedied by the deadline given in the non-compliance letter.

b. $50.00 per day thereafter until compliance is evidenced.

c. $500.00 fine for second offense.

d. $100.00 per day thereafter until compliance is evidenced.

These regulations and fines encourage compliance to keep all property and residents of Yosemite Lakes Park safe from the very real threat of wildfire.

A Reminder: A burn permit must be obtained before burning.  In addition, it must be a “burn day.” Before burning call 1-877-4292876 to confirm if it is a burn day.  Follow all safety rules when burning.  Refer to “What can be burned.”


Yard services

If you need assistance clearing a fire break on your property, the following individuals/companies may be able to assist you.

Please note: This list is provided as a courtesy only. YLOA does NOT specifically recommend or endorse any particular party on the list and is not responsible for pricing or quality/acceptability of work performed.

Wayne Sandstorm
Tim Tuttle
Ranger Maintenance
Jarrett Greenwald
David Trujillo Tree Service
Jerome Doniawski
Jose Bernabe — Mountain Makeover
Outdoor Solutions
Limitless Service Pro 